Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Necessary evil

I am NOT a casual traveler.

Oh wait,
maybe it's more accurate to say,
I'm not a casual flier.

Give me a car, the open road
with thousands of miles of countryside surrounding me
and I'm fine.

However, put me in a tin can in the sky, 
held up by God knows what, 
against all laws of nature, 
miles above the hard surface of the earth, 
at the whim of a potentially suicidal pilot, 
being just a heartbeat away from complete obliteration
in a foretaste of the Rapture - 
and there are no drugs on earth 
capable of quelling the anxiety.

Add to that,
the sour taste in my mouth
from the whole 'surveillance' process
before you can even get your ass in a cramped seat
on the flying machine of death
(including, but not limited to,
exposure to radiation and body searches -
and, I'm sorry,
but there's just something about the need to justify
every ounce of 'fluid'
that sets my ACLU card twitching in my wallet)
and you have the perfect storm
for making a perfectly horrid migraine!

The blinding realization that
I've not only brought all these indignities
on myself
by choosing to travel
but have spent hundreds of dollars
for the privilege of doing so
doesn't help!

I tolerate the process of flying
because it gets me to places I want to go.
But that doesn't mean I like it.

Not sure 'homeopathic' is going to cut it, but it's worth a shot, right?
And, if that doesn't work, Valium is a 'natural' ingredient too, isn't it?

Oh wait... wine is made from grapes... 
that's MUCH more natural!

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